E&M Services 1995 vs 1997 Guidelines


1st published November 21, 2005


You may follow either the 1995 or 1997 guidelines in determining the appropriate level of service. In comparing the guidelines, changes to 1997 are as follows:

HISTORY – In 1997, an extended HPI includes the status of at least 3 chronic or inactive conditions. This is the only change.

EXAMINATION – In 1995, only the multi-system examination was defined. In 1997, the documentation requirements for the multi-system exam have changed (see chart below) and 10 single organ system examinations have been developed.

General Multi-System Examination

Type of Examination



Problem Focused

Limited exam, affected area/system (one)

1 to 5 bullets

Expanded Problem Focused

2 to 7 systems

At least 6 bullets


2 to 7 systems (more detail)

At least 2 bullets from each of 6 areas OR at least 12 bullets in 2 or more areas


8 or more systems

Perform all bullets in at least 9 areas and document at least 2 bullets from each of 9 areas

1995 – For purposes of examination, the following body areas are recognized:

§         Head, including the face

§         Neck

§         Chest, including breasts and axillae

§         Abdomen

§         Genitalia, groin, buttocks

§         Back, including spine

§         Each extremity

1995 and 1997 – For purposes of examination, the following organ systems are recognized:

§         Constitutional (e.g., vital signs, general appearance)

§         Eyes

§         Ears, nose, mouth and throat

§         Cardiovascular

§         Respiratory

§         Gastrointestinal

§         Genitourinary

§         Musculoskeletal

§         Skin

§         Neurologic

§         Psychiatric

§         Hematologic/lymphatic/immunologic