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A new way of doing business

The open house was a HUGE success! Several of the state and local representatives attended. Opening remarks were given by Canton Service Office Manager Fred Schnitzpahn. Canton Mayor Janet Weir Creighton welcomed attendees and gave a special welcome to the former Akron Customer Service Office employees to the City of Canton. Administrator Conrad then addressed the audience on the statewide consolidations and the excellent working relationship BWC has with the City of Canton.

Mr. Conrad, Fred Schnitzpahn and Mayor Janet Weir Creighton administered the ribbon-cutting ceremony followed by several guided building and office tours for approximately 60 visitors. Mr. Conrad and his executive staff hosted a luncheon for approximately 25 employers.

Richard Burson, BWC Communications, discussed the office consolidation and the progress of the NBM implementation with CSO Champions Jackie Cobb and Robin Watson.

The CSO Champions want to thank the various MCO Champions, Youngstown Customer Service Office Manager Arlene Overton, Assistant Service Office Manager Jerry Anderson, and their Champions for attending the Open House.

The CSO Champions:
Jackie Cobb
Keith Greathouse
Robin Watson