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Workplace safety through workplace security

A closer look at workplace security
The terrorist attacks on US soil prompted employers and employees to evaluate their safety practices and procedures in workplace security. Although it's logical to be concerned by possible vulnerability to terrorists, the primary concern should be what is most likely to occur.

Assessing Security Risks
Getting Everyone Involved
Devising a security plan
Creating a crisis response team
Safety Tips
Emergency to-do List

Mail Handling
The State of Ohio Security Task Force has compiled training information for handling suspicious mail. Supplemental written materials and guidelines from the US Postal Service and the Center for Disease Control can be located on the Ohio Department of Public Safety Web page.

Use these instructions to appropriately assess and handle suspicious letters and packages.

Ohioans are covered for necessary treatment and medical care if affected by possible exposure to anthrax or other biological agents in the workplace. This new policy was announced by the Administration of Governor Bob Taft.

Also, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration and the US Department of Labor have assembled extensive information on anthrax.

Building Security
The State Building Security Review Committee recently completed a review of state office buildings in an effort to make security not only a key element of state buildings, but also an integral part of daily business. Their findings may be of use to Ohio businesses concerned about building security.

The Office of Homeland Security
The Office of Homeland Security is coordinating national strategy to strengthen protections against terrorist threats or attacks in the United States.
