OhioBWC - Employer - Form(Manual Classification) - Instructions Page

Manual Classification

Manual classification assignment
The object of the classification system is to assign the one basic manual classification that best describes the business. It is the business of the employer that is classified, not the separate employments, occupations, or operations within the business. BWC assigns a unique rate to each classification and adjusts the rates every year.

Classifications are divided into two types - basic and standard exceptions. Basic classifications describe your company's business. An example of a basic classification is an employer who manufactures computers. This type of business has warehouse personnel, maintenance employees, forklift drivers and assembly line workers. However, since the basic business is manufacturing computers, the classification would be 3574 - Computing, Recording or Office Machine Mfg., NOC. Note that the individual operations supporting the business are not separately classified.

Standard exceptions are the classifications for employees that are common to most businesses and are available to all employers with certain exceptions you'll see below. Employees assigned to these classifications cannot have any other duties within your operation. Standard exceptions include:
  • 8810 - Clerical Office Employees;
  • 8871 - Clerical Telecommuter Employees;
  • 7380 - Drivers, Chauffeurs and their Helpers;
  • 8742 - Salespersons, Collectors or Messengers, Outside.
Some basic classifications include one or more of the standard exceptions. In these situations, the employer does not qualify for the standard exception classification. For example, the classification for a physician's office is 8832 - Physician & Clerical. These employers do not qualify for the standard exception classification of 8810, as clerical employees are included in their basic classification.

If you, the applicant for coverage, use online manual classification, you will receive instant notification of the manual classification(s) that you selected and the applicable rates for each.

After you submit your manual classifications online, BWC will review your selections and change them if necessary. Then we will send you confirmation of your classifications in the mail.

The following businesses are not able to use the online manual classification:
  • Temporary help agencies;
  • Professional employer and staff leasing organizations;
  • Employers who select the home improvement/construction option under domestic household coverage;
  • Social service agencies providing charitable or non-profit services;
  • Public employers;
  • Employers requiring specially mandated blacklung or marine-fund coverage.
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