OhioBWC - Basics: (Policy library) - File

Policy and Procedure Name:

Comprehensive Vocational Rehabilitation Plan and Progress Reports

Policy #:


Code/Rule Reference:

O.A.C. 4123-18-05

Effective Date:



Deborah Kroninger, Chief of Medical Operations


Vocational Rehabilitation Policy


Policy # VR-03-02, effective 08/20/18


Previous versions of this policy are available upon request





The purpose of this policy is to ensure that an injured worker (IW) who is approved to participate in vocational rehabilitation services has a plan developed that will best enable the IW to obtain employment.




This policy applies to the:

·         BWC disability management coordinators (DMC);

·         Managed care organization (MCO) staff involved in the coordination and management of the vocational rehabilitation program; and

·         Vocational rehabilitation case managers (VRCM) assigned by the MCO.




See Vocational Rehabilitation Definitions.




A.    Comprehensive Vocational Rehabilitation Plans

1.    When an injured worker (IW) is approved to participate in vocational rehabilitation services and is feasible following the initial assessment or assessment plan, a comprehensive plan shall be developed to outline:

a.    A summary of the relevant factors influencing the plan; and

b.    The IW’s job goal(s) and the services recommended to return to work (RTW) and become stable on the job.

2.    Comprehensive plans shall be developed in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 4123-18-05.

3.    BWC shall pay living maintenance compensation (LM) when the IW is actively participating in comprehensive plan services in accordance with OAC 4123-18-04. For additional information regarding LM, refer to the Living Maintenance Compensation policy and procedure.


B.    Comprehensive Plan Expectations

1.    The comprehensive plan must:

a.    Reflect that the IW’s participation in services will approximate:

i.      The IW’s pre-injury workweek; or

ii.     The number of hours the IW is medically released for participation.

b.    Identify the:

i.      IW’s RTW goals;

ii.     Barriers to employment;

iii.    Types of services required;

iv.   Estimated costs; and

v.     Estimated length of time required to attain the goals of the plan.

c.     Explain the specific strategies that will be employed to assist the IW in returning to work.

2.    RTW goals shall:

a.    Follow the hierarchy of RTW objectives set forth in OAC 4123-18-02; and

b.    Lead to suitable employment and comparably paying work set forth in OAC 4125-1-01, whenever possible.


C.   Comprehensive Plan Progress and Evaluation

1.    Specific services within the comprehensive plan shall be authorized throughout the duration of the plan, just prior to their implementation.

2.    All comprehensive plan services shall be evaluated on a routine basis to facilitate the IW’s progress toward RTW.

3.    At comprehensive plan closure, the plan’s success shall be evaluated according to the definition of a successful return to work outcome set forth in the appendix to OAC 4123-18-09.




A.    Comprehensive Plan Development

1.    The VRCM shall use the Vocational Rehabilitation Comprehensive Plan (RH-44) form to complete the comprehensive plan.

2.    Prior to submitting the RH-44 to the MCO, the VRCM shall complete the following sections of the RH-44:

a.    Plan information at the top of the first page (except for complexity and duration);

b.    The following Plan of Service Approvals:

i.      The signature of the VRCM that prepared the RH-44 and the date; and

ii.     Verification of Verbal Approval by the IW.

a)    The VRCM shall obtain an updated verbal approval from IW anytime there is a substantive change to the RH-44 (e.g., job goal changes, adding or removing a service).

b)    The VRCM is not required to receive an updated verbal approval from the IW if the RH-44 is being corrected for clerical errors (e.g., date corrections).

c.     Narratives:

i.      Vocational considerations: A brief summary of the vocationally relevant work and training history, including:

a)    Job history;

b)    Transferable skills;

c)    Job analysis information;

d)    Academic history; and

e)    Military service.

ii.     Medical considerations: A brief summary of vocationally relevant medical information (i.e., those factors which are currently or potentially impacting a return to work) including:

a)    Medical issues to be addressed for return to work;

b)    Co-morbidities and non-allowed conditions impacting return to work; and

c)    Surgeries and other treatment.

iii.    Other considerations: A brief summary of other vocationally relevant factors including:

a)    Personal factors;

b)    Legal factors;

c)    Strengths upon which the comprehensive plan relies; and

d)    Barriers to employment and plans to overcome them.

iv.   Justification of return to work level and job goal: The rationale for the return to work level (a.k.a. “return to work hierarchy”) and job goal selected as well as relevant labor market information supporting the job goal if a change in employers is necessary.

v.     Comprehensive plan of services with justification:

a)    A description of the services to be provided and the rationale for the services (not simply a listing of the definition of the services);

b)    The reason the services are included specific to the IW and the specific barriers to employment or needs to be addressed by the service; and

c)    The expectations of the IW’s participation in the services.

d.    Plan of services grid, including:

i.      Vocational rehabilitation case management for comprehensive plan implementation;

ii.     Vocational rehabilitation case management services for pre-plan time if this is the first plan during this referral;

iii.    Provisions for LM;

iv.   Provider travel, wait time and mileage as a single summary entry;

v.     A minimum of 30 days of vocational rehabilitation case management for return to work follow-up;

vi.   The service provider - This may be a company rather than an individual, particularly if the exact assignment is anticipated later in the comprehensive plan;

vii.  The estimated number of weeks of a particular service;

viii. Estimated cost of each service;

ix.   RH-44 plan begin date and plan end date;

x.     Total days:

a)    If there have been no vocational rehabilitation plan closures, total days are calculated from the first approved comprehensive plan begin date through the estimated end date of the most recent comprehensive plan.

b)    If there have been comprehensive plan closures and reopenings in the current case, total days do not include any dates the plan was closed and not reassigned. Total days are calculated by adding up the total days of comprehensive plans that closed and the date of reassignment through the estimated end date of the most recent comprehensive plan.

xi.   The total estimated cost of all services and living maintenance.

3.    Upon submission of the RH-44 to the MCO, the VRCM shall:

a.    Ensure that the IW has a prescription or a medical release from the POR for vocational rehabilitation services, as necessary. (see Appendix A to this policy and procedure for a list of services that require a physician prescription or release); and

b.    Submit the completed Complexity Factors Reporting Form (CFF).

4.    Timeframes

a.    The VRCM shall submit the RH-44 to the MCO for review and approval:

i.      Within seven calendar days of submission of the initial assessment report (where no assessment plan was needed); or

ii.     Within seven calendar days of completion of the services in an assessment plan.

b.    If the VRCM determines that it will not be possible to develop a comprehensive plan within the required timeframes, they shall:

i.      Submit written justification for the extension to the MCO within the seven day time frame; and

ii.     Staff the issue with the MCO.

c.     Justifiable reasons for an extension may include (but are not limited to):

i.      Pre-plan information is not received following a timely request (e.g., physician of record (POR) or employer information, functional capacity or vocational evaluations); or

ii.     An unexpected situation prevents the IW from participating in the vocational rehabilitation process (e.g., a family emergency).


B.    RH-44 Review and Approval

1.    Upon receipt of the RH-44 from the VRCM, the MCO shall review the RH-44 in accordance with the Vocational Rehabilitation Plan Review and Decision policy and procedure.

2.    When the MCO approves the RH-44, they shall:

a.    Review the CFF;

b.    Enter factor scores according to form directions; and

c.     E-mail the CFF to the DMC.

3.    The DMC shall:

a.    Review the information submitted by the VRCM and MCO within one business day of receipt of the CFF and the approved RH-44;

b.    Enter the following on the CFF:

i.      Closure code information for the plan type;

ii.     Comprehensive plan begin date; and

iii.    DMC reviewer’s name.

c.     Complete a Duration and Complexity Level Determination, using the information submitted on the RH-44 and CFF, and send the results to the MCO; and

d.    Submit the CFF to the Complexity Factor Mailbox.

4.    Following the DMC’s review of the RH-44 and submission of the Duration and Complexity Level Determination, the MCO shall:

a.    Update the duration and complexity level on the approved RH-44; and

b.    Send it to the VRCM, who shall:

i.      Review the RH-44; and

ii.     If willing to accept implementation of the plan, provide a hard copy signature and date on the RH-44.

iii.    If not willing to accept implementation of the plan, notify the MCO.

5.    The MCO shall ensure that the signed and accepted RH-44 is submitted to the claim prior to the first date of plan services.

6.    The VRCM shall obtain and submit to the MCO a hard copy signature on the RH-44 from the IW within 30 days of the start of plan services.


C.   Amending the Comprehensive Plan

1.    The VRCM may amend the comprehensive plan to continue or redirect vocational rehabilitation services when:

a.    There is a significant change in the job goal; or

b.    The VRCM identifies a significant new barrier and/or service need.

2.    The VRCM shall amend a comprehensive plan using the RH-44, identifying it as amended and providing the next sequential comprehensive plan number.

3.    The VRCM shall staff the amended comprehensive plan with the MCO.

4.    If additional assessments are needed prior to amending the comprehensive plan, the VRCM shall:

a.    Submit a progress report and authorization request outlining the needed assessment services; and

b.    Once the needed assessments are completed, submit the amended comprehensive plan to the MCO.

5.    The VRCM shall ensure that all sections on the RH-44 are completed with updates, as needed. The amended RH-44 shall:

a.    Outline all the services necessary to progress an IW from the current situation through RTW; and

b.    Be submitted to the MCO so that it is received by the DMC no later than three business days prior to the end of the previous comprehensive plan. This will ensure there is no interruption in the IW’s LM payment.

6.    If a new complexity factor has been identified, the VRCM must submit an updated CFF with the amended RH-44. The VRCM does not need to remove a previously identified complexity factor if it has been resolved through plan services.

7.    Upon receipt of the amended RH-44, the MCO and DMC shall process and review the RH-44 as described in Sections V.A-B of this procedure.


D.   Reopened Comprehensive Plans

1.    When a comprehensive plan is reopened (e.g., the IW has successfully appealed a case closure) the VRCM shall submit an amended comprehensive plan (if needed pursuant to Section V.C above) within 21 days from the date the case is reassigned to the VRCM.

2.    If a comprehensive plan is reopened and there is no need to amend the comprehensive plan, the VRCM shall continue the services that were authorized before closure.


E.    LM That Exceeds Six Months

1.    If the comprehensive plan or the amended comprehensive plan will result in more than an aggregate of six months of LM, (including any LM paid while the IW was in an assessment plan), the MCO shall notify the DMC.

2.    For purposes of extending LM beyond an aggregate of six months, the DMC shall ensure the extension of vocational rehabilitation services will benefit the injured worker and enter a claim note indicating approval of the extension of LM.


F.    Progress Reports

1.    For every IW participating in a comprehensive plan, the VRCM shall:

a.    Complete written updates of progress using the Vocational Rehabilitation Progress Report (RH-46), for every 30-day period of comprehensive plan participation, or more frequently if necessary; and

b.    Submit the progress report to the MCO, no later than five business days from the end of the reporting period.

2.    The VRCM shall ensure all the requested information on the RH-46 is provided, including:

a.    Adequate information about the current status of the IW’s progress towards return to work or remain at work;

b.    Justification for service authorization requests and minor changes in services;

c.     Requests for any necessary assessments when a significant change in direction in the comprehensive plan is required; and

d.    The VRCM’s hard copy signature.

3.    When the RH-46 extends the duration of a service beyond the duration of service in the RH-44, adds a service, or adds an interrupt, the VRCM shall also obtain:

a.    Verification of Verbal Approval from the IW prior to submission of the RH-46; and

b.    The IW’s hard-copy signature within 30 days of submission of the RH-46.

4.    The MCO is responsible for reviewing the progress reports as part of oversight of the comprehensive plan.


G.   Authorization of Services

1.    The VRCM shall obtain authorization for approved RH-44 plan services using an Authorization Request for Vocational Rehabilitation Plan (RH-45). The RH-45 shall be submitted to the MCO with either the:

a.    RH-44 to ensure that it is received by the DMC no later than three business days prior to initiation of services; or

b.    RH-46, to authorize the next set of services at least five business days prior to the end of the current authorization.

2.    The VRCM shall ensure that all the information requested on the RH-45 is provided, including the hard copy signature of the VRCM.

3.    If, while reviewing the RH-45, the MCO believes a denial of services is necessary, the MCO shall follow the directions detailed in the Vocational Rehabilitation Plan Review and Decision policy and procedure.

4.    Upon approval or denial of the RH-45, the MCO shall:

a.    Review, hard copy sign, and image the RH-45; and

b.    Send the signed copy of the RH-45 to the VRCM.





Services Requiring a POR Prescription or C-9

Services Requiring a POR Release           Documentation from POR that IW may return to work with restrictions MEDCO 14, or office notes, etc

Services Not Requiring a POR Prescription or Release







No code

Gradual return to work

No code

Employer Incentive Contract

CPT codes

Adjustment Counseling


Functional Capacity Evaluation

W0660 W3260

Job Placement


Auto Repairs


Nutritional Consult

W0659 W3259

Job Development


Child Care


Occupational or Physical Therapy

No code

Job Search


Ergonomic Study


Transitional Work Services


Long term training


Job Analysis


Physical Reconditioning Unsupervised

No code

On-the-job training



Job Seeking Skills



Work Conditioning


Short term training


Training-Books, Supplies and Testing

W0702 Initial 2 hr: W0703 Each add. hr:

Work Hardening/

Occ. Rehab

No code

Work Trial


Job Modifications






Relocation Expense




Job Coach


Situational Work Assessment



W0641 W3258

Job Club


Tools & Equipment





W3000-3040  W3200-3240

Vocational Case Management






Vocational Eval. Comprehensive






Vocational Screening







Work Adjustment






Career Counseling