OhioBWC - Basics: (Policy library) - File

Policy and Procedure Name:

Interpreter and Translation Services

Policy #:

BWC Policy and Procedures

Code/Rule Reference:

R.C. 125 and R.C. 4112

Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and as amended, Pub. L. No. 101-336, 104 Stat. 328 (1990); IC/BWC Joint Resolution R88-1-200

Title VI of the Civil Rights 

Effective Date:



Patricia Harris, Chief Operating Officer


Operational Policy and Support


Policy # CP-09-03, effective 07/23/20 and Procedure # CP-09-03.PR1, effective 07/23/20


Previous versions of this policy are available upon request




Table of Contents





American Sign Language (ASL)

Bilingual Position

Bilingual Staff

BWC Interpreter Translations Services Provider

Designated Translations Services Staff


Language Coordinator

Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

State Contracted Vendor

Subject Matter Expert (SME)



A.          General Statement

B.          Appropriate Usage of the State Contracted Vendor, BWC Interpreting Translations Services Provider, and Bilingual Staff (e.g., Language Coordinator, BWC SME)

C.          Ohio Relay Service

D.          Interpreter Services Not Approved for Payment

E.          Document Translations

F.          Interpreting On-Demand Video Conferencing

G.         Self-Insuring Employers


A.          Claims Function - General Claim Note and Documentation Requirements

B.          Recognizing the Need for Interpreting Services

C.          Documenting BWC Requests and Use of Interpreting Translation Services

D.          Identifying an Interpreter

E.          Over-Phone-Interpreter (OPI) Services

F.          On-Site Interpreter Services

G.         ASL Interpreter Services

H.          Ohio Relay Service

I.            Document Translation Services

J.           On-Demand Video Conference Interpreter Services

K.          Claims Function - Hospital-Based Interpreter Services

L.           Claims Function - Interpreting Services for Injured Workers with Catastrophic Claims

M.         Interpreter Services for IC Proceedings

N.          Claims Functions - Interpreter Services Required for Injured Workers Receiving Vocational Rehabilitation

O.         Claims Functions - Interpreter Services Required by the MCO

P.          Payment of Over-Phone-Interpreting and On-Demand Video Conference Interpreting Services Provided to BWC

Q.         Payment for On-Site Interpretation and Document Translation Services

R.          Reporting Non-Compliance





The purpose of this policy is to ensure that BWC provides interpreter services for customers (e.g., injured workers (IW), employers, other), and properly translate work-related documents, as necessary and appropriate.




This policy applies to BWC staff and managed care organization (MCO) staff.




American Sign Language (ASL): A complete, complex visual-gesture language that employs signs made with the hands and other movements, including facial expressions and posture of the body, used primarily by people in North America who are deaf, have hearing loss, deaf-blind, or utilize non-verbal communication.


Bilingual Position: A position eligible for the bilingual pay supplement that requires as essential to the fulfillment of the duties, the ability to speak and/or write a language in addition to English, pursuant to OAC 123:1-37-06.


Bilingual Staff: A BWC employee in a bilingual position.


BWC Interpreter Translations Services Provider: A BWC enrolled interpreter that may be used when the State Contracted Vendor is not available or does not provide the needed service (e.g., ASL).


Designated Translations Services Staff: A person assigned by BWC management to manage all document translation service requests (e.g., submitting documents to the designated vendor, receiving documents from the designated vendor, approving or denying requests or invoices from the designated vendor) on behalf of their office.


Interpreter: An individual or device that converts any spoken material from one language into a different language. For purposes of this policy, the term “interpreter” includes both an ASL interpreter and a non English language interpreter, unless otherwise noted.


Language Coordinator: Designated BWC staff assigned to serve as a final approval for in-house translations.


Limited English Proficiency (LEP): A person with Limited English Proficiency or LEP is one whose primary language is not English and is not able to speak, read, write or understand English well enough to communicate effectively when interacting with BWC staff or medical services episodes.


State Contracted Vendor: A person or company that has contracted with the Ohio Department of Administrative Services to provide selected products and services for use by state agencies and eligible users.


Subject Matter Expert (SME): For purposes of this policy, a designated bilingual BWC employee with technical field knowledge, eligible for the bilingual pay supplement pursuant to OAC 123:1-37-06, who is assigned to review translations of important documents (e.g., legal, claims, medical, other) after they have been translated by the state contracted vendor or BWC interpreting translations services provider to ensure there are no errors in translations received from the vendor.


Translation: Conversion of written material from one language to another.




A.    General Statement

 - It is the policy of BWC that any interpreter and/or translator provided by BWC must be able to interpret and/or translate effectively, accurately, and impartially, both openly and meaningfully, using any necessary specialized vocabulary appropriate to the circumstances.


B.    Appropriate Usage of the State Contracted Vendor, BWC Interpreting Translations Services Provider, and Bilingual Staff (e.g., Language Coordinator, BWC SME)

1.    BWC staff must use the state contracted vendor or BWC interpreting translations services provider to obtain interpreter services when interpreting services can be used in a hearing, investigation, or for other legal purposes.

2.    It is the policy of BWC to provide necessary and appropriate interpreter services (e.g., state contracted vendor, BWC interpreter translations services provider) upon the request of BWC staff, LEP customers, or when the need is otherwise identified, to facilitate BWC business, which include, but is not limited to:

a.    Claims Functions

i.      Expediting treatment in catastrophic claims;

ii.     Filing or investigating a claim or an action pending in a claim;

iii.    Medical specialist consultations requested by the physician of record (POR) or treating physician and approved by the MCO; or

iv.   Approved vocational rehabilitation services.

b.    Other BWC Functions

i.      Interviewing LEP subjects or witnesses for a BWC investigations;

ii.     Translation of documents that are part of a BWC investigation;

iii.    Annual and/or specialized trainings (e.g., Safety Congress);

iv.   Translation of documents that are part of an employer file; or

v.     Communication between internal and external customers (e.g., SpanishFROI, correspondence, Website).

3.    It is BWC’s policy to approve and provide ASL interpreters to customers, as needed, in circumstances which include, but are not limited to:

a.    Claims Functions

i.      Routine office visits with a physician of record (POR);

ii.     Communication with durable medical equipment suppliers; and

iii.    Physical or occupational therapy.

b.    Other BWC Functions – For External Customers

i.      Conferences/symposiums;

ii.     Trainings; and

iii.    Other BWC related business needs.

4.    It is the policy of BWC to use bilingual staff, at the discretion of management, for general/minor interpreting services when it is not feasible to use of a professional interpreter.

5.    It is BWC’s policy to use SMEs to periodically audit interpreting and translation services provided by external vendors to confirm services meet the needs of BWC and customers.

6.    It is BWC’s policy to use BWC interpreting translations services providers, as outlined in the procedures (below), for services when the state contracted vendor is unable to provide these services.


C.   Ohio Relay Service

 - It is the policy of BWC to refer customers who are Deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind or those with a speech disability, to the Ohio Relay Service to place and receive phone calls.


D.   Interpreter Services Not Approved for Payment

 - BWC will not pay for interpreters:

1.    For hospital-based services;

2.    For services not contracted or approved by BWC or the IC; or

3.    When family members, friends, health care providers, vocational service providers, or community volunteers provide interpretation for the IW.


E.    Document Translations

1.   It is the policy of BWC that the Communications Division ensures that BWC generated information and/or documents being made available to BWC customers and the public on the BWC Website meet established language requirements and follow the agency’s language style.

2.   It is the policy of BWC that documents in a language other than English containing information relevant to making a claim decision or that may be used in a hearing, be appropriately translated to English for the claim and/or LEP customer by the state contracted vendor (i.e., BWC interpreter translations services provider when the state contrated vendor is unable to provide this service).

3.   It is BWC’s policy to appropriately translate documents (e.g., English and non-English language) for BWC staff and LEP customers, as outlined in Section V.I., of the procedures (below) for BWC to conduct business.


F.    Interpreting On-Demand Video Conferencing

 -It is the policy of BWC to use interpreting on-demand video conferencing to provide interpreting services to LEP customers for day-to-day business purposes, such as filling out forms and answering questions.


G.   Self-Insuring Employers

 - Self-insuring employers are required to pay for interpreter and translation services, with the exception of interpreter services for examinations related to an Application for Determination of Percentage of Permanent Partial Disability (C-92).




A.    Claims Function - General Claim Note and Documentation Requirements

1.    BWC staff will refer to the Standard Claim File Documentation and Altered Documents policy and procedure for claim note and documentation requirements; and

2.    Will follow any other specific instructions for claim notes and documentation included in this procedure.


B.    Recognizing the Need for Interpreting Services

1.    In instances where BWC staff come face-to-face with a LEP customer, BWC staff should use a copy of the State of Ohio “I Speak Identification Guide” to help identify the LEP customer’s primary language.

a.    Within the guide, the LEP customer can point to their primary language.

b.    Click here to access the “I Speak Identification Guide” on COR.

2.    When BWC staff becomes aware that a customer is LEP or is hearing impaired, BWC staff will follow these procedures.

a.    Claims Functions – Claims services staff will enter the following in the claims management system:

i.      Check the “Primary Language” field at the customer level of the claims management system; and

ii.     Choose the IW’s primary conversational language from the dropdown box.

b.    Other BWC Functions - BWC staff will document in the appropriate business record the need for interpreting translations services.


C.   Documenting BWC Requests and Use of Interpreting Translation Services

 - BWC staff will use the claims management system or other system deemed by management, to document the following, when requesting or obtaining interpreting translations services for a customer:

1.    Note the name of the customer, BWC staff, or other entity requesting these services;

2.    List the type of interpreter or translation service (e.g., ASL interpreter, over the phone, on-site, or document translation services) being requested and provided to the customer;

3.    Note the date the interpreter translation services were requested and obtained;

4.    Provide the name and contact information of the service provider (e.g., state contracted vendor, BWC interpreter translations services provider) providing these services;

5.    Log the tracking number or name of the vendor’s representative handling the request;

6.    Log the confirmation number, email or phone confirmation, and the name of the vendor’s representative providing the confirmation; and

7.    Note any other pertinent information (e.g., cancelled request, interpreter no-shows, vendor unable to obtain interpreter, approval of document translation quotes or invoices, deadline date for translation service requested, date final translated document is received).


D.   Identifying an Interpreter

1.    When a customer requests that a family or friend provide interpreter services on their behalf to communicate with BWC staff, BWC staff may consider utilizing those services, so long as the family or friend has the necessary skills to assist.

2.    Other no cost interpreting services may be utilized by customers such as:

a.    BWC bilingual staff (i.e., general usage only);

b.    Ohio Relay Service (hearing impaired service);

c.     A health care or vocational rehabilitation service provider fluent in the language of the IW (NOTE: The health care provider or vocational rehabilitation service provider will not be additionally reimbursed for interpreter services); and

d.    Community organizations (i.e., organizations not charging customer or BWC for services).

3.    The choice of interpreting services will be made by BWC staff using BWC’s policy objective that interpreters must be able to interpret effectively, accurately, and impartially, both receptively and expressively, using any necessary specialized vocabulary appropriate to the circumstances.


E.    Over-Phone-Interpreter (OPI) Services

 - BWC staff will contact the state contracted vendor or if available, use an SME to obtain these services. “Click here” for instructions on how to use the state contracted vendor.


F.    On-Site Interpreter Services

1.   BWC staff will follow these procedures to schedule on-site interpreters for BWC business purposes:

a.   Contact the state contracted vendor to schedule these services. “Click here” for instructions; and

b.   Provide the state contracted vendor 48 hours to report confirmation (e.g., verbal, email) that an interpreter has been scheduled for business purposes (e.g., exam, investigatory interview, per customer’s request, other).

i.    If confirmation is received, BWC staff will follow the steps outlined in Section V.C. of these procedures to document this information in BWC records.

ii.    If no confirmation is received, BWC staff will:

a)    Call the state contracted vendor to cancel the request for the interpreter and note the cancellation in the claim management system or other system designated by management;

b)    Contact Feedback.medical@bwc.state.oh.us for a list of BWC interpreter translations services providers to schedule an interpreter for on-ste services;

c)    Click here for instructions on scheduling these servces from the BWC interpreter translations services provider listing; and

b)   Contact Field.C.1@bwc.state.oh.us to report non-compliance.

2.   BWC staff may contact Field.C.1@bwc.state.oh.us with questions or inquiries on on-site interpreter services.


G.   ASL Interpreter Services

1.    ASL services are not provided by the state contracted vendor. In cases where an ASL interpreter is needed, BWC staff will contact Feedback.medical@bwc.state.oh.us for a list of ASL service providers.

2.    Click here for instructions on scheduling these servces from the BWC interpreter translations services provider listing.

3.   BWC staff may contact Field.C.1@bwc.state.oh.us with questions or inquiries on ASL services.


H.   Ohio Relay Service

1.    The Ohio Relay Service is a free service for all Ohioians who are Deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind or those with a speech disability. Their services include, but are not limited to:

a.    TeleBraile;

b.    Captioning;

c.     Text telephone (TTY);

d.    Voice carry over.

2.    For BWC customers who may require the use of the Ohio Relay Service, BWC will provide the customer, customer’s family, customer’s attorney of record (AOR), etc., with contact information for the Ohio Relay Service.

3.    The BWC customer is responsible for setting up an account with the Ohio Relay Service by calling 7-1-1 or clicking on the 7-1-1 icon online at https://ohiorelay.com/contact-us/.

4.    BWC staff are not authorized to make the initial call for the customer.


I.      Document Translation Services

1.   General Statements

a.    BWC staff may consult with bilingual staff regarding submitted non-English language documents to determine the nature of the documents and their general contents. “Click here” to submit email requests for bilingual staff assistance for this purpose.

b.    If BWC determines the document must be translated into English, then BWC staff will contact BWCDocumentTranslationsServices@bwc.state.oh.us to request assistance with acquiring translation of the document(s) and follow the steps outlined in Sections V.I.3.- 5., of these procedures.

c.     BWC staff must use the state contracted vendor for these services.

d.    In rare instances, when the state contracted vendor cannot provide these services, BWC staff may use a BWC interpreter translations services provider for this service. BWC staff will email InterpTranSvcsIssue@bwc.state.oh.us for assistance in acquiring these services and to report this issue.

2.   English Documents

a.   BWC staff will follow the steps outlined below to translate documents (e.g., adhoc letter) from English to a non-English language.

i.      Consult with management and/or Language Coordinator to determine if the document will need to be translated for one customer or multiple customers.

a)    One Customer (e.g., apology letter); or

b)    Multiple Customers (e.g., adhoc letter made into a template, form, or other correspondence that can be used as a template for other customers).

ii.     If it is determined that the document should be translated for single or multiple customers, then BWC staff will:

a)    Follow the steps outlined in Sections V.I.3.- 5., of these procedures; and

b)    Work with management, Language Coordinator and/or Information Technology Division to create an approved document in accordance with the BWC brand.

b.   When BWC staff receives a request for a document that is unavailable in a non-English language, BWC staff will:

i.    Inform the customer that the non-English language version of the document is currently not available, and the customer will need to use the English version of document; and

ii.    Assist the customer in completing the English version of the document (e.g., application, form) through the state contracted vendor (click here for video-audio conferencing) or BWC interpreter translations services provider.

3.   BWC staff will follow these outlined steps to request document translations from the state contracted vendor (i.e., staff will use BWC interpreter translations services provider if the contractor is unable to provide service) for documents containing information relevant to making a claim decision or that may be used in a hearing.

a.   Send an email request to designated translations services staff within his or her office; or

b.   If no designated staff are available within his or her office, BWC staff will send an email to BWCDocumentTranslationsServices@bwc.state.oh.us to request assistance with processing document translation requests.

c.   Designated translations services staff will provide the state contracted vendor or BWC interpreter translations services provider with a deadline date for completing the final translated document and note that information as outlined in Section V.C. of these procedures.

 d.  “Click here” to access the document translations services job aid.

4.   Storing Translated Documents – Translated document must be stored as part of the official record.

a.   Claims Functions - Claims services staff will ensure the translation is imaged into the claim file.

b.   Other BWC Functions - BWC staff will save the other translation in the employer file, SID investigation file, or other secured system identified by management.

5.   Auditing Translated Documents - Once BWC staff receives translated documents from the state contracted vendor or BWC interpreter translations services provider, BWC staff will send the document to Language Coordinator for the final review and verification for accuracy, style, and consistency in consultation with SMEs, as needed. Please email BWCDocumentTranslationsServices@bwc.state.oh.us for assistance in obtaining bilingual staff, an SME, or a Language Coordinator.

a.   If errors are found in the document:

i.    Bilingual staff will work with the Language Coordinator to make highlighted revisions to the document and note this discrepancy;

ii.    The document will be sent back to the designated translations services staff;

iii.   Designated translations services staff will send the document back to the state contracted vendor or BWC interpreter translations services provider to make corrections to the document.

iii.    Once designated translations services staff receive the corrected document from the state contracted vendor or BWC interpreter translations services provider, designated translation services staff will confirm reported errors were corrected in the translated document.

iv.   When all reported errors are corrected, designated translations services staff will proceed with steps outlined in Section V.I.5.b. (below).

b.   If no errors are found in the document:

i.    Bilingual staff or the Language Coordinator will send email approval of this translated document to the designated document translations services employee requesting the translation;

ii.    The designated document translations services employee will send an email approval to the state contracted vendor or BWC interpreter translations services provider to proceed with the final process; and

iii.   The designated translations services staff assigned to this document will approve the document for payment.

iv.  Once the final document is received, designated translations services staff will send the document to the BWC employee requesting this service.

6.   BWC staff may contact Field.C.1@bwc.state.oh.us with questions or inquiries on the document translation services.


J.     On-Demand Video Conference Interpreter Services

1.    BWC management will provide a designated area and computer for this service, and update staff on the location.

2.    BWC staff will use designated computers within their office or division to conduct interpreting on-demand video conferences.

3.    BWC staff will contact the state contracted vendor to obtain these services. Click here” for instructions. This service is not provided by BWC interpreter translations services providers.

4.    Once the service has been provided to the LEP customer, BWC staff will follow the steps outlined in Section V.C. of these procedures to note requests and the use of this service.

5.    BWC staff may contact Field.C.1@bwc.state.oh.us with questions or inquiries on on-demand video conference interpreting services.


K.    Claims Function - Hospital-Based Interpreter Services

1.   Hospital-based interpreter services for an LEP IW:

a.   Will not be paid when associated with treatment an IW receives while hospitalized.

b.   Will be paid only if BWC needs to communicate with the IW and the IW requires an interpreter.

2.   Claims services staff will note the IW’s need of interpreter services in the claim file.


L.    Claims Function - Interpreting Services for Injured Workers with Catastrophic Claims

1.    The BWC catastrophic nurse advocate will work with the MCO to review available options when interpreter services are necessary.

2.    This communication can be accomplished by phone or email and noted in the claim file.


M.   Interpreter Services for IC Proceedings

1.   Parties who are LEP or hearing impaired may require an interpreter so that they can understand what is happening in IC hearings.

2.   If the claims services staff is referring an issue to the IC on a Notice of Referral (NOR) or there is an appeal to a BWC order, claims services staff will ensure the “Primary Language” field is marked in the claims management system, which will automatically alert the IC if the IW needs interpreter services.

3.   Consistent with IC/BWC Joint Resolution R88-1-200, the IC is responsible for ordering and scheduling interpreters for IC hearings and IC medical examinations for IWs who have difficulty communicating due to a hearing impairment or LEP. BWC staff will refer any questions regarding interpreter services for IC hearings or IC medical examinations to IC Customer Service for assistance.


N.   Claims Functions - Interpreter Services Required for Injured Workers Receiving Vocational Rehabilitation

1.   Claims services staff will ensure that an IW receives necessary and appropriate interpreter services, particularly at critical stages in the rehabilitation process, including, but not limited to:

a.   The initial interview with the IW;

b.   The meeting to discuss and sign the rehabilitation agreement;

c.   When the plan expectations are discussed; and

d.   When there is a change in the case direction.

2.   Claims services staff will schedule interpreting services with the state contracted vendor, as needed, at critical stages in the rehabilitation process.

a.   If the state contracted vendor is unable to provide this service, claims services staff will schedule interpreting services with a BWC interpreter translations services provider.

b.   Please refer to Section V.F. of these procedures on accessing these services.

3.   BWC Vocational Rehabilitation Policy staff will be available to help in individual cases, upon request.


O.   Claims Functions - Interpreter Services Required by the MCO

1.   If an IW needs an interpreter for a non-BWC examination that is required and scheduled by the MCO, the MCO is responsible for payment of both the examination and the interpreter services. The MCO may use its own interpreter service or may request assistance from BWC or the IC, as applicable.

2.   If the IW needs interpreter services related to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) examination, the MCO will contact the IW’s assigned claims services staff or DMC to make the arrangements. BWC will pay for interpreter services for ADR examinations as often as necessary.

3.   BWC staff will place a note in the claim reflecting the discussion with the MCO and their agreement as to the entities responsible for payment.

4.   If an MCO approves interpreter services in error, without BWC approval, the MCO will be responsible for reimbursement to the provider. Payment will be transferred from the MCO’s administrative account into the provider account to cover the exact payment issued from the provider account to pay for the interpreter services. Supporting documentation for the transaction must be maintained for audit purposes.


P.    Payment of Over-Phone-Interpreting and On-Demand Video Conference Interpreting Services Provided to BWC

1.   Once over-the-phone or on-demand video conference services are provided, the state contracted vendor will create an invoice for that service and email the invoice to Ohio Shared Services for payment processing and copy Claims Services Administration. 

2.   Claims Services Administration will review all invoices to determine if they should approve or reject an invoice for payment for these services. If the invoice is:

a.   Approved, Claims Services Administration will notify Accounts Payable via email that the invoice is approved and should be processed.

b.   Rejected, Claims Services Administration will notify Accounts Payable via email that the invoice is rejected with the underlying reason(s). Ohio Shared Services will return the invoice back to the state contracted vendor with the reason for the rejection (e.g. duplicate invoice, or invoice is missing necessary information).

3.   Ohio Shared Services will not pay invoices without the proper approval from BWC.


Q.   Payment for On-Site Interpretation and Document Translation Services

1.   Claims Functions

a.   BWC will pay for approved on-site interpretation (including ASL services) for BWC and IC examinations, and IC hearings as well as document translation services.

b.   The interpreting service provider or IC will submit the request for reimbursement for services on a Service Invoice (C-19) to BWC. Imaged C-19s will appear on the Medical Billing and Adjustments (MB&A) Unit’s work list.

i.    When MB&A receives the C-19 directly:

a)   MB&A will review the claim for the claim note approving interpreter or translation services.

b)   If MB&A is unable to locate adequate documentation of approval by the claims services staff in the claim, MB&A will forward the C-19 to either the claims services staff; or

c)   Claims Services Admininstration, requesting the necessary information so that payment may be processed.

ii.    When claims services staff receives the C-19, either directly from the provider or from MB&A, claims services staff will:

a)   Verify that the services were provided and the information is correct;

b)   Place his or her “A” number in Box 9 on the completed C-19 before it is imaged;

c)   Index the document as a C-19; and

d)   Update the approval in claim notes.

iii.   MB&A will also process for payment all interpreter service invoices received from the IC.

iv.  BWC will not pay for interpreter services that are not approved by BWC or the IC.

2.   Other BWC Functions

a.   BWC will pay for approved on-site interpretation (including ASL services) and document translation services for investigatory interviews and/or other BWC related business purposes, at the discretion of management.

i.    Approved – When management approves the services, BWC staff will move forward with submitting the invoice for payment.

ii.    Not-Approved – Prior to denying the request for these services, management will staff with Legal Services to discuss the reasoning for their decision. Legal Services will make the final decision on denying this service. 

b.   MB&A will forward all non-claims related document translations services invoices received from the state contracted vendor to BWC designated document translations services staff, who requested and approved this service.

c.   BWC staff will follow the procedures below to pay for these services:

i.    Once BWC staff receives the invoice for payment of services, BWC staff note the name of the interpreter translation service provider on the invoice and:

a)   Provide the contract number (if available) and/or note on the invoice that “the state-contracted vendor provided services”; or

b)   Note on the invoice that “the state-contracted vendor was not used for this service.” Provide the name, address, and contact phone number of the BWC interpreter translations services provider providing these services.

ii.    Submit invoices to their designated procurement card holder for payment. BWC staff can email BWC Procurement Card Log to locate the procurement card holder for your office.

d.   Once the invoice is received, the payment card holder will:

i.    Review the invoice to ensure it contains the vendor information from Section V.Q.2.b.i. prior to paying the invoice.

ii.    Pay invoices with vendor information.

iii.   Return invoices back to BWC staff that are missing vendor information.


R.   Reporting Non-Compliance

BWC staff will report state contracted vendor non-compliance (e.g., interpreter no show) or other issues to Field.C.1@bwc.state.oh.us.