OhioBWC - Employer:  (SOII) - Previous year’s stats

2013 statistics

Non-fatal occupational injuries and illnesses in Ohio, BLS SOII, 2013

  • Summary report - provides some of the survey's key findings for both the public and private sectors
  • Summary tables - provides incidence rates and numbers for non-fatal injuries and illnesses broken down by category. You can look at an indvidual table by clicking on the appropriate link below, or you can view all the tables by clicking on the Excel workbook at the bottom of the list.
  • Case and demographic tables (private industry only) - provides numbers and percentages for non-fatal injuries and illnesses broken down by category for only private employers. You can look at an indvidual table by clicking on the appropriate link below, or you can view all the tables by clicking on the Excel workbook at the bottom of the list.

Summary tables for United States - provides the same type of information as the summary tables for Ohio but for the other 49 states
For further information and/or data requests beyond the statistics provided on this page, contact the Division of Safety & Hygiene's research and statistics department.

Summary tables

Excel workbook with all summary tables

Case and demographic tables (private industry only)

Excel workbook with all case and demographic tables

Case and demographic tables (state government only)
Excel workbook with all case and demographic tables

Case and demographic tables (local government only)
Excel workbook with all case and demographic tables
