OhioBWC - Employer - Service:  EM history details

Experience modifier history

This service offering allows you to view and/or download your experience modifier data by policy period for the last five years. The experience modifier is the percentage applied to the base rate to determine your premium. Additionally, you can see specific rating and/or discount programs for that policy in each period.

The definitions below will help you take better advantage of this service offering.

  • Experience rating - an incentive system to promote safe working conditions. Employers who become experience rated can be credit rated or penalty rated, depending on the claims costs record of their particular businesses.
  • Base rating - Base-rated employers pay their workers' compensation premiums according to base rates recommended by BWC's administrator and approved by the Workers' Compensation Board of Directors. Base rating allows employers to pay workers' compensation premiums based on the average costs of claims filed against all employers in like industries, using the same manual classifications.
  • Published EM - the experience modifier (EM) calculated as of the survey date. The survey date for private employers is Sept. 30 of the year prior to the start of the policy year. The survey date for public employers is March 31 of the year prior to the start of the policy year.
    Examples: Sept. 30, 2015 is the survey date for private employers' policy year beginning Jan. 1 2016. March 31, 2015 is the survey date for public employers' policy year beginning Jan. 1, 2016.
  • Published EM cap - Beginning policy year July 1, 2009, YES or NO indicates whether or not BWC has capped the EM at 100 percent.
  • Current EM - the most recently calculated EM based on changes to the experience period payroll and/or claim costs in the policy after the survey date. Here are some of the changes that will result in a recalculation of your EM:
    • Combination/transfer of experience;
    • Payroll audits;
    • Manual reclassifications;
    • Handicap awards;
    • Subrogation collections;
    • Claim disallowance;
    • Claim cost revision.
  • Current EM cap - Beginning policy year July 1, 2009, YES or NO indicates whether or not BWC has capped the most recently calculated experience modifier at 100 percent.

Rating plans and programs

  • Group-experience rating - a plan that allows employers to be a member of a group for rating purposes. Employers retain their separate risk identity, are assessed premiums as calculated using the groups' loss information.
  • Group-retrospective rating - Group-retrospective rating is a voluntary performance based incentive program. BWC-certified sponsors create groups of employers who practice effective workplace safety and claims management to achieve lower premiums than they could as individuals.
  • Individual-retrospective rating - a plan that allows employers to pay a discounted minimum premium for the policy year and assume the liability for the actual costs of claims that occur during that policy year. The claims costs include compensation and medical payments, and is subject to a claim limit selected by the employer. The employer is billed annually for 10 years for the incurred losses limited to the maximum premium. At the 10-year annual evaluation, BWC calcuates reserves on the claims, employers pay final premiums and the policy year is closed.
  • Drug-Free Safety Program - a program that grants a premium rebate to an eligible employer that meets the program requirements and eligibility standards.
  • One Claim Program - open to private, state-fund employers currently enrolled in a group-experience-rating program. Employers must have a single significant claim in their experience to participate. A significant claim is one whose total cost exceeds the expected losses for an employer based on size and industry ­ also known as total limited losses (TLL) ­ calculated for that policy year.
All rating plans and programs require employer application and BWC approval.
