OhioBWC - Employer:  EM capping

EM capping

In this program we will cap an individual employer's experience modifier (EM) to minimize the effects of a significant premium increase for employers that become penalty rated.

The EM cap will equal 100 percent of the previous year's published EM. The previous year's EM could be an individual EM or group EM if the employer was participating in a group-rating plan that year.

Example: An employer is in a maximum discount group for the 2015 policy year and gets the group EM of 0.47. In 2016 they're not renewed in a group, so the company would go to base rate. However, because the employer is eligible for EM capping, we'll cap the EM for the 2016 policy year at 0.94.

Eligibility criteria

  • For the policy year commencing July 1, 2016, private employers must not have cumulative lapses in workers' compensation coverage in excess of 40 days within the preceding 12 months. For policy year commencing Jan. 1, 2017, public employer taxing districts must not have cumulative lapses in workers' compensation coverage in excess of 40 days within the preceding 12 months.
  • Not more than 45 days past due on any premiums, including retrospective rating billings
  • In the first year, agree to complete a one-half day industry-specific safety class through BWC's Division of Safety & Hygiene as outlined in the Ohio Administrative Code 4123-17-03.2
    Note: Employers who want to keep the EM cap for the subsequent year must complete three hours of online safety classes through this website.

We will notify employers by mail in May of their EM cap eligibility. If you fail to comply with the requirements or do not wish to participate, we will calculate your premium rates using your uncapped EM for the policy year.